
I am a born again Christian who has a B.A. in Bible and History and an M.A. in Biblical Literature, which means I have years of Biblical Hebrew and Greek under my belt too. Since childhood I have studied Bible prophecy, and for 20+ years I have been involved in various types of Christian ministry, including chaplaincy, youth ministry, children’s ministry, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, prayer counselor, and as a book editor.

I am writing anonymously because you would not know my name anyway. What is far more important than my name is that I see the world through the lens of the Bible and that each article is produced through hours of copious research and prayer.

We are living in perilous times, the very last of the Last Days, and it is imperative that the Church be awake, alert and vigilant just like Jesus said. Evil is busy setting up their Beast, ‘one world order’, ‘one world economy’, ‘one world religion’ system, deceiving and being deceived. Many in the Church are also deceived. But our God is moving around the world! For Jesus is coming SOON, and we as His Bride must be ready!

This is why I write.

And I pray a blessing over all who find this site! I pray that you not only read the articles and the references and get back into the Bible, but that you also take to the message to heart, vigilantly keep watching, and pray, pray, pray.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Denise Schlegel said:

    Thank you for your steadfast service!! Your services have kept me steady during this entire Pandemic Time. My church and all the others in Central have been closed all year. May God continue to to Bless you, your family and your church abundantly.
    Thank you so much!!
    Denise Schlegel – A true follower of Christ!!


    • Denise, thank you for your words of affirmation and prayers. I appreciate them immensely. Blessings also to you and your family this holiday season and always.
      With Appreciation,
      Holy Light Ministries


      • Beth Hopkins said:

        I second Denise’s comment – A big thank you from St. Louis, too! The Lord led me to this site while searching for info from Dr. Carrie Madej. I’m so grateful to see the Church sharing with one another the truth, even though we’re being fiercely derided and disbelieved for it. It has been really sad to see how some of my family and our local church is responding to these end times warnings by enforcing the demonic agenda, i.e. don’t come through the doors unmasked unless you’ve succumbed to the injection, no helping with the children’s area unless your face is covered (showing the kids not a loving smile, but alignment with all the lies we’re being fed.) In the same way that the Lord revealed the peace sign as an upsidedown broken cross, a symbol with satanic origins…it’s hard not to look at the Church all in masks as a similar homage to a satanic agenda. All that said, all the hard work and loving ministry invested in this site is a beautiful blessing. How can we be loving on you in return, brother?


      • Beth, thank you for you kind words. For some reason they initially went to spam mail. Gracious me! But, I have just retrieved them and am so grateful! The best and most loving thing you can do for me and this ministry is to pray. There is a lot of spiritual warfare in these last days because the time is short and the devil’s busy. In my neck of the woods, it is especially intense. So, I am deeply grateful for your prayers. Blessings to you and your family!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I would like to her in touch with you regarding your book and messages. I left another message here and hope it didn’t go to spam with my contact info.


      • Hi Lyn. I just sent you an email. Yes, your message for some strange reason had ended up in the spam folder. Craziness! Anyway, thank you so much for contacting me, and I hope you get my email message. Otherwise, we’ll try again! Blessings!


  2. How do I get in touch with you? We are pretty much on the same page. I have a tv show on roku Apple TV amazon fire etc and a large YouTube ministry. Please contact me if you could


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